Splash Biography


Major: Climate Science

College/Employer: UCLA

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Kathryn Walsh

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Kathryn is a second-year student at UCLA who loves learning about and discussing many different subjects, from psychology to literature to climate change. She is excited to co-teach her first Splash class this year!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H181: Getting to Know Your Brain: Mastering an Imperfect Memory in Splash Winter 2020 (Feb. 01, 2020)
Just how accurate are your memories? Are we doomed to forget everything with time? How do drugs and alcohol affect your ability to remember events and experiences? In this course, we will explore the hidden structures and processes your brain uses to make memories and demonstrate how you can use that knowledge to your advantage.