Splash Biography

EMILY MOREIRA, UCLA Senior Studying IDS, French, and Linguistics

Major: INTL Development Studies

College/Employer: UCLA

Year of Graduation: 2023

Picture of Emily Moreira

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hello! My name is Emily and I am a fourth year at UCLA majoring in International Development Studies, and double minoring in French and Linguistics.

I've always been passionate about international affairs, and I'm looking forward to sharing more about this topic at Splash this upcoming April!

I taught a few classes for Splash my freshman year right before the pandemic hit, so I'm looking forward to finally returning for my last year!

I truly hope my classes prove to be fun and educational, and I can't wait to lecture for you guys this upcoming Splash!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H295: Imagining a Reunified Korea: Is It Feasible? in Splash Spring 2023 (Apr. 22, 2023)
The potential reunification of North and South Korea has long since puzzled socioeconomic, developmental, and political theorists worldwide. The long warring period, coupled with complex political orders and cultural differences, complicate the possibility of ever realizing a reunified Korea. However, several activist groups and political leaders have been pushing for reunification policies—demonstrating that a potential future political world that includes a reunified Korea is feasible. But what would that look like? How strict—or loose—is the term ‘reunification’? What can we expect to see in a world where the two Koreas are reunified? What are the pros and cons to a reunified Korea? This class aims to provide a sense of what a college-level political science or economic development course may look like. No prior knowledge of political or economic theory is required—just a willingness to learn! Join me as we discuss the potentiality and feasibility of the reunification between North and South Korea!

H189: Global Studies: US Relations with the P5 in Splash Winter 2020 (Feb. 01, 2020)
In the politically polarized world we live in today, it’s important for students to properly understand International Relations--especially as we begin addressing global issues like World Poverty, Climate Change, and Denuclearization. The P5 is referred to the five countries within the United Nations who hold veto power, which are: The United States, France, China, The United Kingdom, and Russia. We’ll first start by taking a look at how these countries became the five permanent members of the UN, what this means for the international community, and then comparing The United States’ policy with the P5’s on popular global topics such as Global Warming.

A190: Comparing Pop Music Around the World in Splash Winter 2020 (Feb. 01, 2020)
For music lovers or those wishing to expand their musical horizons, join this class as we take a deeper look at how pop music varies around the world. Since the start of the new century, America has been the standard for pop music, with superstars like Brittany Spears and Taylor Swift setting the scene. However, with the new rise in social media different sub-genres of music have been gaining more popularity. Other countries around the world have adopted and adapted America’s music and made it their own. We’ll be looking at different countries like Korea, Brazil, and France among others to analyze and compare their genres of pop music to what we see here in America.