Splash Biography

JOSEPH ZOLLER, UCLA Doctoral Candidate in Biostatistics

Major: Biostatistics

College/Employer: UCLA

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Joseph Zoller

Brief Biographical Sketch:

My long-term career goal has been for many years, and continues to be, to become a professor at a research university, because it combines my passions of scientific research, teaching, and mentoring undergraduate students.

As an undergrad, I worked as EXCEL leader (a specialized tutor for small groups) for two years as part of the Supplemental Instruction program at my university.
Seeing the way that I could help my students (who were also my peers) with academic challenges made me realize that teaching and mentoring were intrinsically entangled, and that I loved both of those aspects. After coming to UCLA as a grad student, I have served as a Teaching Fellow for 3 years as part of the Cluster 80 course series on gerontology, as the FSPH TA Consultant for 1 year (training first-time TAs in pedagogy and practice), and as the primary instructor for a introductory graduate-level Biostatistics course.

Because of all these experiences (and more), I know that I want to help undergraduate students learn and be inspired by science, and to change the culture of higher education to be more equitable and focused on student support.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S309: Beyond Man’s Best Friend: Exploring the Extraordinary Abilities of Dogs, as Protectors, Healers, and Companions in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 20, 2024)
This course will cover the history of dog domestication as our companions, the history of dog breed diversification, the amazing feats of dogs during wartime (sensing explosives/drugs/accelerants), the incredible sensitivity of dogs to human mental/physical health (sensing seizures/heart attacks/sadness/joy, and protecting pregnant women), and modern neurological research on the real emotional bonds that our furry family members form with us.