Splash Spring 2024
Course Catalog

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Arts Humanities & Social Science
Lunch Math & Computer Science
Science Miscellaneous


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A299: Introduction to Music Production
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Stafford Williams

In 2024, anyone can be a musician. This class will cover how 99% of modern music is made so that by the end of the class you'll be able to go home and produce a hit song. (Trust me, it's easier than it sounds)

A308: how the 19th century changes art
Difficulty: **
Teachers: sawyer asaro

I will describe how the impressionist movement, and realism changed art. I will describe the departure from flat historical paintings, to a new trend of capturing real life. I will have students capture a momentary feeling or scene in class.

A318: Storytelling with Swift
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Roxanne Ha

Are you interested in creative writing and the intersection between music and storytelling? Join a class that explores the different techniques Taylor Swift, one of the greatest songwriters today, uses to create plots and characters within her songwriting.

A316: Leitmotifs: Video Games, Movies, and More!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jillian Farley

Ever get to the final boss in an RPG and realize the music playing is a remix of a track from earlier in the game? Can you recognize famous movie music such as the Imperial March from Star Wars or Hedwig’s Theme from Harry Potter, just by hearing the first few notes? In this class we will identify and analyze leitmotifs and how they are used in video games, movies, and more.

Humanities & Social Science

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H302: Exploring Social Problems with Quantitative Methods
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Branden Bohrnsen

Much like with medicine, scientists can run "experiments" on people to find solutions to social problems. This comes with the daunting question of how we can properly evaluate these experiments to get scientifically valid results. We'll tackle this problem by exploring an experiment, ran by a UCLA professor, that aimed to reduce prejudice between religious groups by putting people on mixed soccer teams.

This class would be great for future social science majors hoping to get a taste of what data methods are used in experimental work, as well as for those interested in pursuing statistics or data science with real-world applications.

We'll cover very basic R scripting (no programming experience necessary) and various estimation methods to determine the true effect of intervention on social outcomes. If we have time, we'll explore some cool statistical tricks like controls to make our results more robust.

Students need no programming background, but should come with R and RStudio installed on their laptops.

H307: Introduction to the Measurement Problem
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Quinton Wood

Is the future pre-determined? Are there other parallel universes, just like ours? What does the unobserved world look like? There are all questions that have pondered physicists and philosophers, and have gained fascinating new insights from the world of Quantum Mechanics. In this presentation, we will lay out what is known as "the measurement problem" in Quantum Mechanics. We will carefully cover the basic principles of Quantum Mechanics that set up the problem, and we will then discuss various ways of solving the problem, and what these solutions say about our universe!

Any mathematics or formalism will be explained in-depth and simplified, so there are no prerequisites!

H311: “Concrete Vietnam”: Making Real, Rebellious Geographies in Los Angeles
Difficulty: **

Geography is often associated with mapmakers who pull their data from ground-level surveys or satellites. Valuable geographic thought and data can also be gathered from 90s rap music, angry letters written to elected officials, and oral histories. The instructor of this course will present on how she employs these latter methods to research histories of race and rebellion in South Central Los Angeles, a place described by Ice Cube (1991) as “concrete Vietnam.”

This course exposes students to unorthodox methods in geography, hopefully providing more tools for them to analyze the communities, histories, and places they interact with. From the jump, students will be encouraged to participate by being real, bringing their own knowledge, critically reflecting on land, place, and contemporary issues. ‘Being real’ is synonymous with ‘telling like it is’ and ‘laying down the facts’ in the manner and style that one is most comfortable with– this might include everything from sharing a story with classmates to challenging the instructor on her claims.

The first half of the course will consist of a lecture, discussion, and activity held indoors. The second half of the course will consist of light outdoors exploration in the vicinity of the original classroom. Fidget toys, snacks, and participatory activities will ease the burden of getting through a two hour course. Students of all abilities, backgrounds, interests, and knowledge levels are welcome!

H326: “Live, Love, Lust": The Female Gaze in Bollywood and Beyond
Difficulty: *

In this class, we’ll look at neglected Indian films and songs that demonstrate that attraction and friendship as seen from the female gaze are not emotions that are incorrect, but rather a natural experience of being human.

It also serves to demonstrate a different view of female perspectives than is shown by mainstream American media: to show that there are different cultural outlooks on romance and attraction. A more diverse understanding of this subject will hopefully translate to a more diverse understanding of yourselves. The class also touches on queer identities in Indian film, and how that relates to the female gaze.

This class hopes to broaden your available information about the ways lives are led across the globe, and to make the college transition less daunting for all genders, ensuring everyone garners shared respect for people’s feelings and choices in the process.

We are also updating the class from last year to cover a greater range of perspectives and sources, so if you are taking this class for the second time, we look forward to covering new material with you.

Trust us when we say the class is for EVERYONE: male, female, any! We hope you’ll love it!

H327: The Great Recession: From Finance to Culture
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Talia Wagener

The 2008 financial crisis was the most severe economic collapse since the Great Depression in the early 1900s. But what led up to it? And how did people respond? In what ways has it changed us? This class will talk about not just the economic legacy of the Great Recession, but also its cultural legacy. Covering everything from fashion to food to social media, we'll take a comprehensive look at what it really means to live in a post-2008 society.

H314: Enemies to lovers and more: Love Tropes and Dynamics in Fiction Full!
Difficulty: **

What strikes your fancy in a fictional romance? A villainous enemies-to-lovers romance? Or a marriage of convenience plotline? What about a second chance couple? Well, the reasons for liking many of these tropes have roots in psychology and our past experiences, and in this class, we'll explore some of the most common love tropes and why you might love them.


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L332: Lunch Period
Difficulty: None

Enjoy a break for lunch with your friends! Please register for at least one lunch period on each day of the program.

Math & Computer Science

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M315: AIRES at UCLA Discussion
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Matthew Day

Not entirely sure what we will focus on regarding AI and ethics (AI and the environment, health, etc.), but will be based on one of our discussions from AIRES club at UCLA. I will determine exactly what it will be on within the upcoming week.

M328: Game Programming in C++
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Benson Liu, Ming Zhu

Ever want to learn how to make a video game or learn how to program?!?! We will be delving into the basics of programming in the popular industry language, C++. C++ is used by companies like Riot Games to make some of the most popular games like League of Legends, Team Fight Tactics, etc. During this class, you will learn the basics of how to code in C++, use some of the commonly used libraries, and get the chance to make your own game in C++! If you are interested in a fun project or learning more about computer science, this class is for you!

Some experience with coding or programming would be a plus. However, no experience necessary.

M304: Genshin Impact Damage Optimization — Using math in the “real” world
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Daniel O'Malley

“When will we use this in the real world?” We’ve all heard this phrase too many times, it’s inevitable! No one cares about how many watermelons Sally has left, or the beard area under a sinusoidally shaped mustache. Today, we’ll use calculus to do something that really matters . . . winning videogames. If you’re interested in videogames, math, or both be sure to come by and see how we actually use math in the “real” world.
• Knowledge of Genshin Impact is not required to enjoy this class

Basic understanding of calculus (specifically derivatives) is recommended but not required

M334: Intro to Graph Theory: Exploring the Four Color Problem With Math Models
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sarala Sharma

Participants will be introduced to fundamental concepts of graph theory, including graphs, vertices, edges, planar graphs, and graph coloring, with special emphasis placed on the Four Color Problem. Graph coloring algorithms like greedy coloring, will be explored and applied to solve the Four Color Problem and similar graph coloring challenges. Finally, participants will learn how to translate map representations into graphs and strategies for minimizing the number of colors used


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S297: Bionic Brains: Applications of Neurotechnology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Allison Peng

This course is an introduction to assistive devices powered by neurotechnology and the scientific principles behind how they operate. Topics include basic neuroscience, electrophysiology, brain-computer-interfaces, prosthetics, deep brain stimulation, and developing technologies.

S300: The Neuroscience of Autism
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Karrin Evans

This is an introductory course on neuroimaging techniques and scientific literature, told through the lens of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We will discuss sensory processing, social functioning, and the academic, social, and clinical implications of autism.

S309: Beyond Man’s Best Friend: Exploring the Extraordinary Abilities of Dogs, as Protectors, Healers, and Companions Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Joseph Zoller

This course will cover the history of dog domestication as our companions, the history of dog breed diversification, the amazing feats of dogs during wartime (sensing explosives/drugs/accelerants), the incredible sensitivity of dogs to human mental/physical health (sensing seizures/heart attacks/sadness/joy, and protecting pregnant women), and modern neurological research on the real emotional bonds that our furry family members form with us.

S310: Fun-damental Chemistry: Hands on Lab Demonstrations Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Seena Amin-Sanayei

Want to learn more about your favorite sports drinks? Make snow in the spring? Well, this course has all that! These demos serve as an introduction to chemistry, and hopefully they will show you that chemistry in not as scary as everyone makes it seem.

S322: Disability in Healthcare: Accessing the Inaccessible Full!
Difficulty: *

This course explores the intersection of disability and healthcare through a scientific lens, focusing on innovative solutions for improved accessibility and inclusion. It delves into the latest advancements in medical technology, rehabilitation techniques, and assistive devices that enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. The curriculum also examines the role of scientific research in understanding the unique healthcare needs of the disabled community and developing strategies for equitable healthcare delivery. Students will gain insights into the challenges faced by people with disabilities in accessing healthcare and the potential of science to drive positive change.


S303: A Pigment of Your Imagination: Understanding Visible Color
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sana Meher

Do you think physics is boring and useless? Do you think the brain is cool? Wondering why Disney villains are always green? If so, this class is for you. We will first study physics to understand how color originates, then look into neuro-anatomy to see (pun intended) how humans see color and finally, look at films & media to see how cultures have given colors different meanings. You will (hopefully) leave this class with an appreciation for physics, an understanding of what neuroscience entails, and the ability to examine films and other visual media through their colors.

S306: Basics of Nutrition- How to Create a Balanced Diet Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Maya Pasari

This class covers macronutrients & micronutrients and the role they play in our body. This class will teach you how to customize your meals according to your fitness goals, and we will get a chance to try different foods.


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X301: University 101: How to Get into College and Survive College Life!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kayla Williams

What is the FAFSA? What schools should I apply to? What do I need for my dorm? How many clubs should I join? How do I manage my time in college? Learn about what it takes to get into college and how to survive life as a college student.

X305: How To Find Your PASSION: For College and A Career Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Shreya Singh

Are you feeling uncertain about your future major or career direction? Do you find yourself wondering what truly ignites your enthusiasm and purpose? In this class, we'll embark on a journey of discovery, hopefully leaving you with a clearer sense of direction and a personalized action plan to pursue your passions with confidence.

X324: "The Case for Community College: From a Student Who's Done It All"
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Sarah Bauer

Having started my academic journey as an ambitious freshman at UC Berkeley, and now pursuing a mathematics degree at UCLA, I offer a one-of-a-kind perspective on UC education. Surprisingly, my most profound educational experience didn't originate from these prestigious institutions, but rather from my local community college. In this course, I share my nonlinear educational journey and what I’ve learned along the way. It was at my community college where I found myself, and I firmly believe it to be a pathway to educational equality, accessibility, and self-discovery. Community college provides a crucial period for students to explore their identity before diving into university life, all while saving significantly on costs and still enjoying valuable college experiences. Join me in reimagining the narrative around community college and embracing it as a transformative step towards a successful academic future.

X329: What School Won't Teach You
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Tamnna Bhargav

In this class, we explore valuable life advice tailored to high school students, equipping them with essential skills and perspectives for navigating life's journey.

X330: Bystander Emergency Care
Difficulty: *

This course will provide guidelines for recognizing medical emergencies through lecture and situational simulations, and describe care that can be given safely until medical personnel arrive. Through this program, participants gain more control over their lives and safety, and can confidently use the skills they gain in CPR/AED/First Aid training.


X317: Personal Finance 101: Managing Your Money
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Roxanne Ha

Are you interested in learning how to manage your finances and achieving financial freedom? Learn more about budgeting, spending, saving, taxes, insurance, and retirement in this class.

X319: Ace Your Interview
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Roxanne Ha

No matter what career you want to pursue in the future, you are bound to do at least one interview down the road. Learn about the different types of interviews you may encounter, the appropriate attire to wear, the types of questions to ask, and other tips and tricks to help you build your confidence and ace your interviews.