Splash Biography
SI HUA DENG, 2nd year at UCLA
Major: Asian Languages and Culture College/Employer: UCLA Year of Graduation: 2020 |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
Hi everybody! My name is Si Hua, and I am a second year studying Chinese, possibly minoring in East Asian Studies. I'm from the Bay Area, so I'm pretty proud of the Bay too. I'm currently involved with Alpha Phi Omega, an internationally recognized co-ed service fraternity, Army ROTC, and Ascend at UCLA as their VP of Public Relations. If any of those above organizations interest you, feel free to come up and talk to me about it! I would love to speak more on it. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)X62: Personal Branding & Networking 101 in Splash Winter 2018 (Feb. 10, 2018)
Ever wondered what a elevator pitch was, or what you're supposed to do at a networking event? Trust me, these questions ran through my head all the time when I first started to go out to any type of event, whether it was a social or networking one. In this short introductory workshop, I'll teach some tips and tricks to help you be more comfortable in these types of environment.