Splash Biography

ANGELA CHEN, UCLA Junior studying Molec Bio and Biomed Research

Major: MCDB

College/Employer: UCLA

Year of Graduation: 2020

Picture of Angela Chen

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S91: Seals: Water Sausages in Splash Spring 2019 (Apr. 20, 2019)
What makes seals so bouncy? What's the difference between a seal and a sea lion? Ever heard a Weddell seal sing? Learn this and more!

S92: Botanical Discoveries and Exploration in Splash Spring 2019 (Apr. 20, 2019)
Just what's so fascinating about plants? Do they feel pain? Can they get cancer? This course will introduce you to some of the many impressive feats that plants are capable of as well as foster an appreciation for how we use--and are used by--them.

S65: Botanical Discoveries and Exploration in Splash Winter 2018 (Feb. 10, 2018)
Just what's so fascinating about plants? Do they feel pain? Can they get cancer? This course will introduce you to some of the many impressive feats that plants are capable of as well as foster an appreciation for how we use--and are used by--them.