Splash Spring 2019
Course Catalog

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Arts Humanities & Social Science
Lunch Math & Computer Science
Science Miscellaneous


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A101: Music
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Amanda Vo

Explore music! Experiment with and learn basic guitar and/or singing skills, as well as possibly other instruments (tentative). Feel free to come and just tap a beat out on a desk. Based on students' interests, we can discuss basic music theory (such as rhythm, chords, key changes, etc.). Everybody will be taught how to hear pitches and tune, as well as how to sing in harmonies (tone-deaf people welcome!). Jam sessions will happen when everyone feels comfortable enough.

A111: Scene Study and Language Study: Acting in Foreign Languages
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ellen Relac

Maybe you've read Spanish literature, like La Casa de Bernarda Alba, or maybe you've witnessed depictions of bilingual culture like in the 1957 Broadway show West Side Story. Regardless of your language of interest and previous acting experience, we're going to dive into foreign-language excerpts as well as English translations and multilingual scenes. We'll warm up, discuss techniques for language study, pick scenes in English or languages of choice, and then rehearse and run our scenes for each other!

A112: What Do All Those Words Mean When The Credits Roll??
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Haylee McDonnell

This class details the different roles that play a part in the process of filmmaking, including:

-Director (& 1st, 2nd AD)
-Producer (Executive, Associate, etc)
-Director of Photography
-Script Supervisor
-Sound Mixer (& Boom Op)
-Production Design
-Production Assistant

If time permits, the class might also include what the process of breaking into the film industry might look like!

A114: SCRIBBLE AND SPIT LIKE A PRO: A Poetry/Spoken Word Workshop
Difficulty: *

Have you ever wanted to write a poem? Do you write already and dream of standing before a full auditorium, snapping and mmm-ing away as you perform a poem you wrote?? Do you want to be able to write for catharsis or for fun? Everyone has something inside they want to express. In this workshop we will focus on the aspects of writing and performing that are often left out of writing workshops. How should you approach editing your own piece? How can small body movements completely change your performance? Come learn about writing poetry, try it out for yourself, and practice bringing your words to life with Oakland’s former Poet Laureate!!

A130: Guide to (Im)Practical Fantasy Armor
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Tuong Le

In the Final Fantasy universe, belts are cool and hip. Many belts are better than one. Worried that your coat isn't flaring behind you? Never fear!
In this course, we're going to look at the 101's in fantasy armor and construct our own protagonist/antagonist.
All levels welcome! You don't have to be an artist or know anything about games.
I'll be drawing upon Final Fantasy, Rune Factory, and YuGiOh as reference, but if you have other suggestions please let me know!

A134: Opera in Popular Culture
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Chris Choe

Explore the ways in which opera, an arguably dead art form, continues to influence the ways we experience the world. How does this dead, lost art form continue to permeate the cultural spaces with which we are most familiar? How can the person who has never attended an operatic performance recognize some the sounds and scapes of opera?

We will explore just how much of the modern world is influenced by the musical world of Revolutions and of Nationalism.

A135: Let's Be Frank: The Magic of Frank Ocean's "Blonde"
Difficulty: *

It's deeper than simple simp music.

Frank Ocean's masterpiece album "Blonde" reconciles conventional musical styles with experimental forays into the depth and breadth of human emotion. This album, released in 2016, has broken hearts and changed lives. Whether you're a hardcore Frank fan or just appreciate good music, join us on a journey through Ocean's mind.

A176: Introduction to Filmmaking
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Amy Ace

This course is designed for all the film fanatics out there! We will be touching on the basis of filmmaking in its five stages: development, pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution. We will also briefly discuss about the film industry and the difference between independent filmmakers and Hollywood filmmakers.

A99: Opera: A Lost Art
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Chris Choe

Opera was once the most popular form of entertainment. Now it is consigned to stodgy, old people and does not offer anything to the modern world. Or does it? There is a lot we can learn about the past and about ourselves from the opera and from classical music, in general! In fact, the average American can recognize any one of the ten most popular operatic tunes within ten seconds! Let's take a trip from the earliest opera in Florence in 1600 to contemporary and modern opera! We'll explore the ways the opera reacted to and instigated some of the most dramatic events and ideas in history: the French Revolution in 1789, anti-Semitism in Germany to 1945, and imperialism to the 1960s.

Please read the synopses in the file titled, "Opera Synopses." Only a basic understanding of the general plots of these opera is necessary. No thorough details will be expected of you. Also, if possible, attend the "Opera in Popular Culture" class.

Humanities & Social Science

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H115: Philosophy 101: Beyond the Instagram bio's
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Maanek Sehgal

What does it mean to be moral? Who cares about morality? Do we even exist?

Welcome to my philosophy sampler plate! This class is meant to be an introduction to philosophy, and is open to anyone - regardless of experience level. We will have a lively discussion of various ethical theories, political theories, existentialists, and more*. I look forward to meeting you all on Saturday!

*To be more specific, we will learn about utilitarianism, deontology, care ethics, Plato, Rawlsian justice, Descartes, and more.

H143: True Crime and Social Justice
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Derrick Nguyen

Attention true crime enthusiasts! In this course we will be looking into various subjects of criminology and other fields to review the different perceptions and attitudes of true crime. We will be examining specific cases that bring into question morality when laws can't guarantee justice for all, the rights of victims and survivors, and the dire consequences of misjudgments and prejudice. Such topics include but are not limited to: Paul Bateson and the victimization of LGBT men, the innocent black youth convicted in the Central Park Jogger case, Rachel Jeantel and her discredited testimony in the Trayvon Martin shooting, and more. By the time you leave the classroom, hopefully you will have learned the rippling effect media and society has and that you continue to ask yourself what responsibilities you have as an individual and what biases might arise that you can identify in future reports of crime. Further note: Because of the nature of the subject, explicit topics will be addressed such as murder, sexual assault, and more (I will try my best to stray away from discussing into detail about these triggering subjects)

H95: Rivalries in Business History
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Chris Choe

Is competition the same as rivalry? What makes an individual or group a rival? Just a competitor? We will explore how rivalries form and what happens when conflict arises between two rivals. We will also be using two case studies to explore rivalry in business history.

H97: Does the Military Matter? Understanding History Through Warfare and Military Revolutions
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Taebin Park

We've all heard of the "Agricultural Revolution", the "Industrial Revolution", and the "IT Revolution" - but who's ever heard of the "Military Revolution"? How have the military and warfare affected societal change? Or perhaps more fundamentally, does the military even matter anymore when modern warfare has become so distant from the everyday lives of civilians? As a former soldier and a student of politics, it has become a life goal of mine to teach about the intricate history and link between the civilian public and the military. If you love studying and talking about history, war, and politics, this class is the one for you.

*The term "Military Revolution" does not imply a coup-d'etat
**This class will use cinematic reenactments or real footage of warfare as part of its material

H98: Oulipo and Constrained Writing
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Madeline Barnicle

Want to write a story without the letter "e"? Write a poem on the train? Edit classic works to switch out the nouns? Come and discover challenging and inspiring ways of writing! Activities will include writing "n+7" poems and lipograms, as well as exposure to other authors' works.

H106: UCLA VS USC: History of the Beef
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Johnathan Carr

History of the rivalry between UCLA and USC.

H107: Citizens and Science
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Ryan Inaba, Rushna Raza

What does science have to do with politics? These days, a whole lot. In this class, we’ll explore how science and policy interact within our government today, considering the logic and rhetoric behind different parties’ views on controversial topics like climate change and reproductive rights. From the air we breathe to the medicines we take, being an informed citizen can make a difference in advocating for the science that touches us every day.

H124: Evolution of the Greek Pantheon
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Rachel Andersen

A look into the ever shifting nature of the Greek pantheon, from the shadowy Mycenaean Greece to the more well known 12th–9th centuries BC.

H131: Personalized Education
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Rishov Chatterjee

(Also labeled H148. Co-taught by Hannah Skutt and Rishov Chatterjee)

What is this course about?

## Two Parts:

- Personalized Education

- Discussion Topics
- Why do we try to become educated?
- Does the education we currently receive truly motivate us?
- Is it fair that the world competes with each other through quality education?
- Do you like school?
- Do you think schools meet their purpose?
- If you could design your own education, what would you do?

- Lecture Topics
- The Current Educational System
- Pros and Cons
- STEM versus Liberal Arts Education
- STEAM Education
- Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
- edX
- Coursera
- Udacity
- Udemy
- Advances in Educational Technology
- Bridging the Gap
- Personalized, Accredited Education
- Scalability with Artificial Intelligence
- STEMCube

- Information

- Discussion Topics
- What is the difference between fact and opinion?
- What does it mean to make an informed decision?
- Does our voice really matter when we vote in an election?
- When can opinions coincide with one's ethical point of view?

- Lecture Topics
- Bias
- Opinions versus Facts
- Informed Decisions
- Ethical Points of View
- Truth Manipulation
- The Russian Interference Investigation
- USA versus Edward Snowden
- Sociological and Anthropological Factors Against Truth
- Educational Justice

H138: The Psychology of Grocery Stores Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Frances Lai

Why do you go into Target with one product in mind and leave with a cart full of stuff you didn't know you needed? Why is milk placed in the back of the store, and why are flowers in the front?

In this class, we will be looking at a few case studies to understand how consumers are manipulated in making purchasing decisions everyday.

H144: The Heart of Darkness or Light? A New Africa in the Rising
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Taebin Park

Here's a tip: If you want to do business, then look into Africa. Africa has long been overlooked as a desolate land of poverty, dictatorship, and war. But times have changed. It's only our perceptions and the media that have not. I wish to show you the new face of 21st Century Africa. The continent is now more healthy and more robust and ready to lift itself up - but for the money and business to flow, it needs the world to understand this.


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L149: Lunch Period
Difficulty: None

Enjoy a break for lunch with your friends! Please register for at least one lunch period on each day of the program.

Math & Computer Science

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M113: How does Bitcoin Work?
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Neeraj Samtani

Are you tired of hearing the words Bitcoin and Blockchain without knowing what they mean or how they work? This class will teach you about cryptocurrencies, blockchain, digital signatures, hash functions, and so much more!

M119: Neural Networks for Image Recognition
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Dyusha Gritsevskiy

How do we tell a dog from a cat? A pot from a pan? A seal from a sausage? We look at them; but how do machines do it? We'll harness the power of convolutional neural networks, and build up a solid mathematical foundation of basic nonlinear prediction.

Familiarity with matrices; multivariable calculus might be helpful but not at all necessary.

M132: An Introduction to Data and Decision Science
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Rishov Chatterjee

In this course, we'll look at two important fields that come together side-by-side:

1. Data Science
2. Decision Science

The interesting thing about these fields is that because they're so interdisciplinary, nobody really has an explicit definition for them besides combining all the fields of study that go into them on a daily basis.

So why is it necessary to know about these two fields? For one, it's highly in demand and pretty much all technology in the future is going to be embedded with concepts that stem from these fields. And secondly, it's pretty awesome because you don't have to be a natural math or computer science savant to break into these growing fields.

Before going into the fine details of these state-of-the-art disciplines, I'll be making it clear to you what exactly Data and Decision Science are and how it's different from the other buzz words that you hear about such as "Machine Learning" or "Artificial Intelligence". We'll definitely include a hands-on element in the course which will rely on using a powerful tool called a Jupyter notebook in which we can write notes and code in one place. The code we'll write will be written using the Python programming language. Don't worry if you don't know any programming, I'll provide a very friendly introduction to what you need to know to follow along in-class and also from the course prerequisites.

For the hands-on element, we'll look at using concepts from data science and decision science to predict Boston housing prices using a machine learning model which you know about from basic Algebra $$ y=mx+b $$
, but we'll build on it more formally as $$ ŷ =β1x1+β0 $$
and see how we can get into other methods like using more than one variable to predict the housing price ( $$ ŷ =β3x3+β2x2+β1x1+β0 $$
) or creating a method that'll give us an interpretable process of making the decision whether or not to buy a house. You'll also learn a lot about statistics, calculus, and linear algebra in this course without feeling intimidated.

Other than the hands-on elements, I'll leave you with other very valuable skills that can come in handy if you ever want to become an entrepreneur or a product manager for a company in the tech industry. I'll also advocate how these fields are very welcoming to the liberal arts because the knowledge from those fields of study can be very valuable for getting amazing results for the objectives of data and decision scientists.

1. Know what y=mx+b is in Algebra I. 2. A will to take in a lot of information at a high-level. 3. Some of the introductory material that I will be releasing before the course starts.

M133: Applied Data Science
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Rishov Chatterjee

This is the course you should take if you're really interested in getting hands-on with data science.

I hope to break this class into three projects that we'll work on together as a group:

1. Classifying Toxic Tweets Online

We'll be data scientists working with real world data from Twitter where we will work with the Twitter API and build a text dataset and we'll look at doing a technique called sentiment analysis to classify whether or not a tweet is toxic.

2. Exploring Mental Health in Los Angeles

We'll work with geographic information systems information to build an interactive map of mental health support facilities in Los Angeles and do some clustering and rule mining on this map. We'll work with geocoding using a mixture of Google Maps and the Esri Python API.

3. Music Generation

We'll work within a growing field of Data Science which is generating music from audio samples. We'll look at using a LSTM recurrent neural network, a Deep Belief Network and a Hidden Markov Model to generate an electronic dance music piece or a hip hop soundtrack. We may even get an opportunity to work with the Spotify API.

If you have a lot of experience in Python programming and know how to manipulate, extract, and visualize data from comma separated value files, then you may find this class as a super awesome next step. Otherwise, take Intro to Data and Decision Science before this class and you'll be just fine :)

M136: Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning in Education
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: David Morley

*This will be an Intel sponsored event. Snacks, intel swag, and more information about intel AI will be provided to all who attend.*

This course will be a basic introduction to some of the techniques that are used in modern day NLP, such as word vectors, convolutional neural nets and many others. The course will not be purely STEM based and will also talk about some of the interesting applications of this technology to improving our education, and other, systems.

Be willing to learn and interested!

M137: The Curse of Dimensionality
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Dyusha Gritsevskiy

Why shouldn't you buy an orange in higher-dimensional space?

Basic geometry

M139: Math is Cool and You're Not Bad at It
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Erin Nosco

This course is for both lovers and haters of math and is taught by a former math-hater.

Learn how math is wired into our brain cells (is there a math gene?), what the most "beautiful" equation is, and how you can make math more fun.

Leave your calculators at home, but get ready to think; math changed human history and now it's time to learn about how amazing it is. I dare you to have fun with math!


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S117: How to Ask the Right Question and Get What You Want Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alara Saygi

All humans work similarly, but somehow it can be hard to get what you want. This course will give you lots of tips of how to make use of the human species to get what you want. With a general introduction to cognitive science, the topics will include contract theory, influence theory, etc.

S91: Seals: Water Sausages Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Angela Chen

What makes seals so bouncy? What's the difference between a seal and a sea lion? Ever heard a Weddell seal sing? Learn this and more!

S92: Botanical Discoveries and Exploration
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Angela Chen

Just what's so fascinating about plants?
Do they feel pain? Can they get cancer? This course will introduce you to some of the many impressive feats that plants are capable of as well as foster an appreciation for how we use--and are used by--them.

S93: The "High" Brain: Psychedelic (and other) Drugs in the Brain Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Zoe Lee

It's 420- so let's talk about drugs. We will go on a scientific investigation of psychedelic drugs--including marijuana, shrooms, ecstasy--as well as some other addictive drugs such as coffee, tobacco, and alcohol. How do they cause the "high", and how do they affect our brain, short-term and long-term?

*Disclaimer: The purpose of this class is to pursue a neuroscientific take on drugs that are commonly discussed and/or used in our community. The teacher or the program does not advocate or promote the use of any illegal or potentially harmful drugs!

S109: The Majestic Maggot
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Vivian Ly

This course covers the historical and current usage of maggots in wound treatment as well as the unique benefits/biochemistry of maggot debridement therapy. Brace yourself for gross pictures.

S110: From Time Lords to Time Travel: What is Time? Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Ashley Huendo

Curious about what time really is? Ever wish you could time travel to the past or future? Explore the weird world of time and the paradoxes that accompany it. This course will delve into a few scientific theories about what time really is and the possibility for time travel. Worried about not having a science background? Not a problem! This course will also talk about how time has influenced pop culture and view it from a humanities point of view!

S116: Inside the Brain Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Logan Leathem

An introduction to brain structure and function, as well as an overview on how scientists can study the brain.

S125: Honey, We’ve Got a Big Storm Comin': The Fall of Antibiotics Full!
Difficulty: **

Antibiotics have been in for as long as anyone in our generation can remember. They have become ingrained in our view of the world and have even come to affect our social behaviors. This course will explore the rising emergence of antibiotic resistant infections and the implications that it holds for humanity.

S140: What happens in your sleep?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sitong Xu

What does your brain do when you are sleeping? Are you conscious when you are asleep? Why do you dream?
We will learn about sleep stages and mentation, conscious state during sleep, thoughts vs dreams, and some sleep disorders through neurological lenses as well as from fun anecdotal evidence.


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X100: How to Have Presence
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Amanda Vo

Tips on presenting, or just talking in general. Shy people welcome. We'll talk about speaking well, including body movement, keeping listeners' attention, and hopefully making presenting easier.
Activities will include listening, talking, and a few short practice presentations.

X142: Zumba Workout
Difficulty: **

Bring your friends and let's get fit together! In class we will do workout dance routines to fun and danceable music!

Nothing but water, a towel, and positivity

X145: Breakdancing/BBoy Basics: History and Fundamentals
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Darren Zeng

This class will teach the background and history behind hip hop in the form of bboying/breakdancing. Students will learn a brief history of the old school hip hop and then learn some basic dance fundamentals.

X129: Master Chef: Dorm Room Edition
Difficulty: *

Come learn the basic dorm room survival skill of microwave-based cooking! We will be teaching how to make a three-course meal using only a microwave. At the end of the class each student will get to make their own chocolate chip mug cookie in a microwave to enjoy as they please!

X141: How to Procrastinate Effectively Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Thera Boonyamarn

Why do we procrastinate? and is there a benefit to procrastinating? How can we make use of our desire or our tendency to procrastinate whilst studying and how can we put these skills to use in real life?